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Maggie von Barton

Maggie von Barton face

Maggie von Barton is a 5 1/2 month old German Shepherd mix. She is mellow and easy going, her body is covered with incredible curls. The instant she is washed she is dry, she has a coat the likes of which we haven't seen before. We thought maybe she's part Chesapeake Bay Retriever and maybe some Newfoundland. She has big bones and will be on the larger side. She couldn't be a more wonderful puppy, she is absolutely delightful. She has all the advantages of a puppy without the problems. She is housebroken and has never had an accident in the house and she roams free in the house, upstairs and down stairs. She doesn't chew anything but a bone she was given. She is not a barker so far. If you are looking for the kindest dog who literally won't hurt a fly, she is the dog to choose. She will watch a fly but won't try to eat the fly. She is fine with the nasty family cat and moves slowly away hoping the cat won't follow her! She loves the other dogs in the foster family and loves to play. She is the kind of dog that gets along with every other dog she meets, and she doesn't have an alpha bone in her body. She prefers to be in the house and not left outside, and she's "good as gold" when left alone in the house. Her foster family loves Miss Maggie May, as they call her, but they can't have any more dogs, so don't worry!

Maggie von Barton resting

Maggie von Barton standing

Maggie von Barton standing 3

Maggie von Barton Alan

Maggie von Barton friends

Maggie von Barton bed

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Copyright © 2003 Westside German Shepherd Rescue. All rights reserved.
Last Updated 09/3/2007.